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Prices quoted in bond. For all enquiries and orders, please email us at

Size Cs Bt GBP Price
Per Actions Score
2021 Georges De Latour Private Reserve, Beaulieu Vineyard 6x75cl 5 - £564 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 98 AG 98 - - -
2013 Cardinale Proprietary Red, Cardinale 6x75cl 1 - £890 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 96 RP 97 - - -
2013 Cardinale Proprietary Red, Cardinale 6x75cl 1 - £980 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 96 RP 97 - - -
2013 Cardinale Proprietary Red, Cardinale 1x150cl 6 - £395 CS (1) [Add to shopping basket] 96 RP - - - -
2015 Cabernet Sauvignon, Caymus Vineyards 12x75cl 3 - £1,600 CS (12) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
2015 Estate Cabernet Sauvignon, Chateau Montelena 6x75cl 1 - £1,250 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 96 AG 96 95 - -
2015 Dominus, Christian Moueix 6x75cl 1 - £1,240 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 100 LPB - - - -
2019 Napanook, Christian Moueix 6x75cl 4 - £370 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 94 AG 94 - 96 -
2018 Napanook, Christian Moueix 6x75cl 5 - £285 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 97 JS 92 93 97 -
2016 Napanook, Christian Moueix 6x75cl 1 - £285 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 96 JS - - - -
2015 Napanook, Christian Moueix 12x75cl 1 - £580 CS (12) [Add to shopping basket] 92-94 RP 92 93 - -
2019 Othello, Christian Moueix 6x75cl 16 - £195 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
2018 Othello, Christian Moueix 6x75cl 16 - £195 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 94 JS - - 94 -
2016 IX Estate Proprietary Red, Colgin 3x75cl 6 - £1,250 CS (3) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
2019 Proprietory Red, Continuum 6x75cl 5 - £1,080 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
2018 Proprietory Red, Continuum 6x75cl 4 - £950 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
2016 Proprietory Red, Continuum 6x75cl 10 - £900 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 100 AG - - - -
2015 Proprietory Red, Continuum 6x75cl 2 - £960 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 98 AG 98 - - -
2014 Proprietory Red, Continuum 6x75cl 19 - £880 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 97 AG 97 - - -
2021 Maya, Dalla Valle 3x75cl 3 - £1,260 CS (3) [Add to shopping basket] 98 AG 98 - - -
2013 Cabernet Franc, Detert Family Vineyards 12x75cl 1 - £880 CS (12) [Add to shopping basket] 94 RP 92 - - -
2019 Napa Valley Red, DVO 3x75cl 1 - £790 CS (3) [Add to shopping basket] 97 JA - - - -
2018 Napa Valley Red, DVO 3x75cl 1 - £800 CS (3) [Add to shopping basket] 98+ LPB 96 98 96 -
2021 Cerro Sur, Favia 3x75cl 1 - £585 CS (3) [Add to shopping basket] 99 JA 97 - - -
2021 Coombsville Cabernet Sauvignon, Favia 3x75cl 1 - £585 CS (3) [Add to shopping basket] 98 JA 97 - - -
2021 Oakville Cabernet Sauvignon, Favia 3x75cl 1 - £585 CS (3) [Add to shopping basket] 98 AG 98 - - -
2015 Proprietory Red, Harlan Estate 6x75cl 2 - £6,400 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
2013 Kayli Morgan Cabernet Sauvignon, Hundred Acre 3x75cl 4 - £1,150 CS (3) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -
2012 Kayli Morgan Cabernet Sauvignon, Hundred Acre 6x75cl 1 - £2,360 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 99 RP - - - -
2012 Kayli Morgan Cabernet Sauvignon, Hundred Acre 3x75cl 1 - £1,180 CS (3) [Add to shopping basket] - - - -

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