Leoville Barton

Leoville Barton

Results 1 - 8 of 8

Size Cs Bt GBP Price
Per Actions Score
2023 Leoville Barton 6x75cl 15 - £336 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 94-96 WK 93-95 - 96-97 94-96
2022 Leoville Barton 6x75cl 2 - £440 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 96-98 NM 93-95 - 95-96 96-97
2021 Leoville Barton 6x75cl 8 - £334 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 94 AG 94 - 93-94 93-95
2020 Leoville Barton 6x75cl 5 - £365 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 97 JD - - - -
2019 Leoville Barton 3x150cl 4 - £380 CS (3) [Add to shopping basket] 97 NM - - - -
2019 Leoville Barton 6x75cl 1 - £375 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 97 NM - - - -
2018 Leoville Barton 6x75cl 2 - £300 CS (6) [Add to shopping basket] 94-96 NM - - - -
1982 Leoville Barton 12x75cl 1 - £2,750 CS (12) [Add to shopping basket] 92 RP - - - -

Results 1 - 8 of 8